Let us view innovation as a success both socially and economically for the introduction of a new way or a new combination of the old way of transforming inputs into outputs such that generated major changes in the ratio between the use value and the monetary value as perceived by customers and/or users. Innovation award for the works or products, both in the areas of business innovation and social innovation, is a good opportunity and thus action to view innovation building comprehensively. I am grateful being able to participate in many innovation-award programs, as ways and opportunities to appreciate the innovation works from various sides.

Besides assessing the downstream side of the associated benefits and impact socially and economically, we also examined the advantages associated with the upstream side, i.e., the innovation process, the resource sustainability, and innovation strategies. This award can be followed by coaching innovation in order to optimize the performance of innovation and largely to build the ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship in Indonesia.

Increasingly dynamics and complexities of environment in the planet and the resulting range of uncertainties should immediately encourage the growth of global and national innovation movements in the planet, which can reduce and overcome the uncertainties. This movement should be widespread, otherwise we will simply be an “object” and “passive” society.

We have to be part of the world innovators.

This innovation movement must soon begin on many points. Starting from the community to the Government. Starting from businesses, from universities and schools and the individual or group pioneers. Even as the orchestrator of the movements, Government would play crucial roles to the mindset, culture, and action of innovation in attaining sustainable development and national goals. There is no innovation without leadership. Innovation makes us leaders. Go ahead Indonesia to innovate!

July 19th, 2016
Salam Inovasi,
Avanti Fontana

Email Avanti Fontana: first name (dot) last name (at) ui dot ac dot id

Email Avanti Fontana: first name (at) ciptainovasi (dot) com

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