“In today’s world, coaching is both a growing profession worldwide and a growing communication style adopted by leaders in organizations, teachers, counselors, parents, and others.”

Co-Active Coaching is a particular approach to coaching and the coaching relationship as it involves the active and collaborative participation of both the coach and the client. The co-active coaching model is a proven approach based on many years of experience working with clients and coaches worldwide. The model was the starting point and is still at the core of the training done through the Coaches Training Institute (CTI). CTI was founded in 1992 by Laura Whitworth and Henry Kimsey-House, who were joined a year later by Karen Kimsey-House.

Co-Active Coaching Contexts
1. Listening
2. Intuition
3. Curiosity
4. Forward and Deepen
5. Self-Management

Co-Active Coaching Principles and Practices
1. Client Fulfillment
2. Client Balance
3. Client Process
4. Integration, Application, Vision

Sample of Co-Active Coaching Skills List
Accountability, Acknowledgment, Articulating what’s going on, Asking permission, Bottom-lining, Brainstorming, Challenging, Championing, Clarifying, Clearing, Confidentiality, Creating trust, Dancing in the moment, Forwarding the action, Goal setting and planning, Holding the client’s agenda, Holding the focus, Inquiry, Intruding/taking charge, Intuiting, Listening, Metaphor, Meta-view, Powerful questions, Reframing, Requesting, Self-management, Structures, Visioning

Read further: L Whitworth, K Kimsey-House, H Kimsey-House, & P Sandahl. 2007. Co-active coaching: New skills for coaching people toward success in work and life. Davies-Black Publishing.


Montréal, Québec, Canada – November 12-15, 2008
The 2008 ICF Annual International Conference will be held at the Palais des Congres de Montréal in Montréal, Québec, Canada on November 12-15, 2008. Over 1,700 attendees are expected to convene for this global event.

Jakarta, Indonesia, December 6, 2008
The 2008 IAC Jakarta Chapter Launching Seminar “Coaching & Business Performance.”
Door-p: 1 year subscription to choicethe magazine of professional coaching–as a prize.

Member of International Coach Federation (www.coachfederation.org)