This is to let you know that ICMIT2008 will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, 21 to 24 September 2008.
The submission site is now open! Please consider sending a paper there.
The ICMIT-International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology was first initiated by the IEEE Engineering Management Society Singapore Chapter in 2000. ICMIT2008 intends to bring together scholars, industrialists, and entrepreneurs interested in improving their research and development, and business applications in innovation and technology management across a global network of diverse platforms. This conference is co-sponsored by IEEE Singapore Section and IEEE Technology Management Council.
Authors are requested to submit full papers to the ICMIT 2008 conference via the conference website. The full paper should be no longer than 6 pages, including title of the paper, keywords, name and affiliation of the authors. All submissions will be peer-reviewed for technical merit
and content. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings which will appear in IEEEXplore database and indexed by Engineering Index (EI).
Thank you. We look forward to meeting you in 2008 at ICMIT2008!