Tag: knowledge management
Managing Innovation
by AF | Sep 11, 2015 | Articleship, CISMEDIA, Coaching Innovation, Innovate We Can!, Innovation Award, National Innovation Resilience, School of Innovation | 0 |
AVANTI FONTANA ON MANAGING INNOVATION EXECUTIVE PROGRAM AND SUBJECTS 1. The Practice and Art of Innovation a. Participants are exposed to the systematic approach to innovation. b. Participants diagnose their innovation systems....
Read MoreAirport Experience Center
by AF | Dec 7, 2014 | Articleship, CISMEDIA, Coaching Innovation, Innovate We Can!, Innovation Award, National Innovation Resilience, School of Innovation | 0 |
How can you feel being not in the airport that is conventionally business as usual but being in a customer experience of a coffee shop that is warm homy and brownish-colorful? How can you imagine being in an airport that is...
by AF | Nov 13, 2014 | AFQ 1st Season, AFQ 2nd Season, Articleship, CISMEDIA, Classes, Coaching Innovation, Events, Innovate We Can!, Innovation Award, Membership, National Innovation Resilience, Research, School of Innovation, Workshop | 0 |
Maraknya inovasi menjadi kemarakan bersama saat semua pihak mendambakan kehidupan yang lebih baik. Dalam era kepemimpinan dewasa ini, perlulah kita menekankan salah satu prinsip manajemen inovasi: TIDAK ADA INOVASI TANPA...
Read MorePesan Buku INNOVATE WE CAN! EDISI BARU (2014)
by AF | Jun 1, 2014 | AFQ 1st Season, AFQ 2nd Season, Articleship, CISMEDIA, Classes, Coaching Innovation, Events, Innovate We Can!, Innovation Award, Membership, National Innovation Resilience, Research, School of Innovation, Workshop | 3 |
Terima kasih atas kunjungan Bapak/Ibu/Rekan/Kolega/Saudara/Saudari pada laman ini. Innovate We Can! (2014) sedang dalam finalisasi penerbitan. Buku ini telah dicetak pertama kali pada 2009 lalu 2010 dan 2011. Termuat pada laman...
Read MoreInnovation 2014
by AF | Dec 7, 2013 | Articleship, CISMEDIA, Coaching Innovation, Innovate We Can!, Innovation Award, National Innovation Resilience, School of Innovation | 0 |
The Practice & Art of Innovation@Innovation-Award Design Session@Integrated Problem Solving for Value Creation: KM Approach@Business Model Innovation@Managing Paradox through Innovation@Boosting Your Innovation
Read MoreSistem Inovasi Nasional
by AF | Sep 13, 2013 | Articleship | 0 |
Sistem inovasi nasional dibangun untuk memfasilitasi jalannya proses inovasi dalam lingkup nasional. Berbagai pendekatan inovasi mestinya dapat difasilitasi denga sistem inovasi nasional yang optimal. Keberhasilan peran sistem...
Read MoreInnovate We Can! Workshop Series
by AF | Jan 9, 2013 | AFQ 1st Season, AFQ 2nd Season, Articleship, CISMEDIA, Classes, Coaching Innovation, Events, Innovate We Can!, Innovation Award, Membership, Research, School of Innovation, Workshop | 0 |
Business Model Innovation 7-8 February 2013: The Practice & Art of Innovation: From Product to Business Model Innovation Organizations can continually excel at creating new products or services or at improving existing...
Read MoreKnowledge Flow Management (for) Innovation
by AF | Sep 5, 2012 | Articleship, CISMEDIA, Coaching Innovation, Innovate We Can!, Innovation Award, School of Innovation | 0 |
kuti Workshop KOFI berikut ini atau rekomendasikan Rekan/Kolaborator Kerja Anda untuk mengikutinya.
Read MoreFebruary Innovate We Can!™ Workshop Series
by AF | Feb 1, 2012 | Articleship, CISMEDIA, Coaching Innovation, Events, School of Innovation | 0 |
Rata-rata iklim inovasi perusahaan di Indonesia baru mencapai 60%-70%; sementara keunggulan proses inovasi baru mencapai 45-60%. Itu salah satu hasil studi CIS School of Innovation (2009-2011)…
Read MoreInnovation Award
by AF | Nov 5, 2011 | School of Innovation | 0 |
Pendekatan Innovation Award perlu komprehensif. Pendekatan ini mengukur input, proses, dan output inovasi.
Read MoreThe Practice of Innovation IV
21-22 Juli 2010: 09.00-17.00 WIB, Hotel SANTIKA Premiere Jakarta Bekerja sama dengan KONTAN, Harian Bisnis & Investasi THE PRACTICE OF INNOVATION: What, Why & How to Innovate Berinovasi merupakan tuntutan tak...
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- Articleship (181)
- Book Publication (58)
- Center for Innovation Space (16)
- CISMEDIA (134)
- Coaching Innovation (221)
- Community Innovation System (15)
- Innovate We Can! (131)
- Innovation Award (119)
- Innovation Systems (33)
- National Innovation Resilience (106)
- Research Space on Strategy & Management of Innovation (21)
- School of Innovation (203)
- AFQ 1st Season (41)
- AFQ 2nd Season (46)
- Classes (50)
- Events (36)
- Membership (33)
- Research (39)
- Workshop (41)
- The Demographics of Innovation (8)