Organizations’ capabilities to adapt are becoming more crucial nowadays and in the future. According to Kotter & Heskett (1992), adaptive organizations tend to (1) be run by strong leaders that are committed to winning the hearts and minds of people; (2) give balanced attention to serving customers, employees, and stockholders; (3) be highly energized and aligned on common goals; (4) be receptive to change, responsive to opportunity and dedicated to creative risk taking; (5) provide a cheerleading, encouraging environment that builds confidence and morale; (6) provide a high-trust environment that identifies and confronts problems; (7) be filled with supportive and enthusiastic people who recognize initiative; (8) emphasize fairness, integrity, and “doing the right thing”. Crane (The Heart of Coaching, 2007): progressive leadership recognizes that these characteristics as crucial to supporting high performance. Coaching is one element critical to creating these conditions; let’s name it herein, character number nine. These characters provide better organizations for people to create and innovate. A 1997 study by Olivero, Bane and Kopelman found that a training program alone increased productivity 28%, but the addition of follow-up coaching to the training increased productivity 88% (read further “The Neuroscience of Leadership” by Rock & Schwartz in strategy+business Special Issue, Booz Allen Hamilton, Autumn 2007). (IM-ED™ Coaching/
Very interesting statistics, a jump from 28% to 88% is more than significant. I am curious what the statistics look like when the study is time series.
Also, is coaching highly context driven or its effect applies universally to other context? In this article it talks about work environment, but can the effect of coaching be felt in personal life?
When the study is time series, we will be able to see the trend of productivity after the training and after the training+coaching.
If paying attention to the coaching framework, the effect of coaching should apply universally. The context or different contexts may influence the level of acceptance/resistance of coaching. It will be interesting to study the effect of coaching intervention in different contexts so that we can have more information on the question “coaching & context”. Different organizational contexts, time (when the coaching is introduced) and task characteristics can influence the effectiveness of coaching intervention for team-work performance.
The effect of coaching can be felt in personal life, in work environment, in social life, etc. From day one, coaching focuses on what clients want. People come to coaching because they want things to be different. They are looking for change or they have important goals to reach. A coach can coach individual clients, teams, and systems in an organization. At its most fundamental, a coaching session is a conversation between a coach and another person or a coach and two or more people (in a team, partnership, and systems coaching). An effective coaching conversation gets to the heart of what matters.
The International Coach Federation Conference will be held in Montréal, Quebec, Canada – November 12-15, 2008. Over 1,700 attendees are expected to converge for this global event.
ICF Annual International Conferences are designed to offer attendees a wide variety of educational and professional development opportunities. Many educational programs provide Continuing Coach Education Units (CCEUs) which can be used for applying or renewing an ICF Credential. Additionally, ICF Conference offer attendees a chance to develop new relationships with coaches from around the world and interact with peers through various networking events.
The 2008 ICF Conference Education Committees are reviewing nearly 300 proposals from presenters wishing to speak toward the following focus areas:
• Coaching & Leadership
• Coaching & Organizations
• Science & Coaching
• Mind, Body, Spirit
• Impact in the World
Source: ICF Conference Overview at
The article is so true, it seems to me that Kotter & Heskett define in detail ‘Management by Heart’ very well, in addition to the importance of continues improvement for an organization in order to survive in current fast changing environment. The later element of ‘characteristic’ completes the basic foundation of the management by heart since values have to be define in order to properly implement it. Thank you very much for the article, I am sure that this will benefit us all.
Hi all, could you please help me out with these questions:
1. What does change usually mean for people in an organization?
2. How do people come to terms within an organization?
3. What are some of the strategies that a HRD section can implement to assist people cope with change?
4. Why is it necessary to help people come to terms with change?
Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.
adakah cara yang sangat simple untuk menjadi seorang yang inovatif ? terimakasih
Ada cara-cara yang harus dijalani untuk membangun keinovasian kita. Pertama-tama lingkungan yang kondusif (environment) untuk membangun dan mengembangkan keahlian kita (expertise). Kedua semangat dari dalam diri kita yang tinggi (passion) untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu (purpose). Itu semua akan menunjang kreativitas kita yang sangat diperlukan dalam inovasi (menjadi inovatif). bekerja sama dengan berbagai pihak khususnya CIS School of Innovation sedang mengembangkan program seminar dan workshop MEMBANGUN GEN INOVATOR. Silakan mengikuti workshop-workshop inovasi yang kami selenggarakan untuk mensimulasikan model “lingkungan-keahlian-motivasi-tujuan-kreativitas dan inovasi”. Info: workshop[at]ciptainovasi[dot]com