Tag: Membership

The Practice of Innovation IV

21-22 Juli 2010: 09.00-17.00 WIB, Hotel SANTIKA Premiere Jakarta Bekerja sama dengan KONTAN, Harian Bisnis & Investasi THE PRACTICE OF INNOVATION: What, Why & How to Innovate Berinovasi merupakan tuntutan tak...

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Innovation Space, Ruang Inovasi

“Being innovative and successful is more than hiring the right people and buying the best technology. You’ve got to create a culturew here space matters.” (Tom Kelley with Jonathan Littman in The Art of...

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Kompas 8 November 2009 memuat tinjauan buku Innovate We Can! Manajemen Inovasi dan Penciptaan Nilai (Individu, Organisasi, Masyarakat). Tinjauan buku itu ditulis oleh Phillip Gobang dari CIS. Avanti Fontana menambahkan apa yang...

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