Avanti Fontana focuses her research, publication, and workshop on strategy and management of innovation. She has more than 10-year experience in the domain. She has designed workshop on management of innovation as well as designed Innovation Award for business and social organizations and communities.

She authored INNOVATE WE CAN! firstly published in March 2009 by Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, Jakarta. The book has received positive responses and inspired organizations to innovate. Based on the book, Avanti designed and developed workshop programs on innovation management for business and social organizations with the workshop brand The Practice and Art of Innovation.

Since 2003/2004, Avanti has been facilitating courses in the levels of undergraduate and graduate programs in Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia, in particular in the domain of: Strategy and Management; Organization Design; Knowledge and Innovation; Strategic Entrepreneurship; National Innovation System; National Management System; and Macro Talent Management.
Avanti supervises theses in the doctoral, master, and undergraduate levels for students doing research on the domains above mentioned.

In 2004, Avanti and Phillip Gobang cofounded the Center for Innovation Studies, then in 2010 CIS School of Innovation, an institution that facilitates the learning and practice of innovation in Indonesia.

In 2010, Avanti managed and hosted “AVANTI FONTANA ON QTV” television program that raised the theme of innovation on Channel 22 FirstMedia or www.qchannel.tv in 27 episodes.

In 2014, she co-founded, along with eight colleagues/alumni of Lemhannas RI (2013), Planet Innovation Foundation (Yayasan Planet Inovasi), which focused on inspiring and encouraging national consciousness and national innovation. With more than 10 years of experience in facilitating Management of Innovation through workshops and coaching sessions, Avanti has gained enrichment in the domain and has offered many features of innovation for different domains in business, technology, and art.

In 2017-present, Avanti is adjunct research at Demographic Institute, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia on Demography of Innovation. She experienced doing research in the Institute in 1992-1996 before pursuing her advanced studies in France on Strategy and Management of Technology and Innovation. She is also member and secretary to the Academic Senate Faculty of Economics and Business UI (2017-2022). She has been in the position of Staf Khusus Kepala Staf Kepresidenan Jend.TNI (Purn.) Dr. Moeldoko (February 2018-October 2019, and October 2019-current 2021); in the period, she had the opportunity to lead a task-force on Macro or National Talent Management at KSP where she led KSP team on the study of Macto Talent Management policy in the context of national development and global environment.

She received her doctoral degree in Management (Docteur en Sciences de Gestion) from a joint doctoral program in the Department of Strategy and Management at ESSEC Business School Paris and Paul University Cezanne d’Aix Management, in a joint program with Organization Postgraduate Program Marseille III France in 2003/2004 and her master’s degree (Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies) in Strategy & Management in 1998/1999 from University of Paris X (in a joint program with ESSEC and HEC Business Schools, France). She received her bachelor’s degree in Economics from Faculty of Economics Universitas Indonesia in 1995. Avanti Fontana is also the 2013-alumni of PPRA-L, a non-degree Program of National Leadership at National Resilience Institute Republic of Indonesia (Lembaga Ketahanan Nasional, Lemhannas RI).

Her research work covers different areas of innovation listed, among others, below.

List of Publication of Avanti Fontana as Main Author or Co-Author.

* Doctoral Dissertation
R&D and Manufacturing Integration in New Product Development Process. The dissertation research focused on exploring organizational and contextual factors that influence new product development and innovation process and performance. The research involved leaders in the organizations and project-management levels of global companies in consumer electronics, 1999-2003.

Etude Exploratoire sur l’Intégration entre la R & D et la Production dans le Processus de Développement des Nouveaux Produits par Avanti Fontana. Thèse de Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion. Sous la Direction de Jean-Claude Tarondeau. Soutenue en 2003 à Aix-Marseille III en co-tutelle avec l’Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC, Cergy, Val-d’Oise). Programme Doctoral, PhD Program.

1. Innovate We Can! Manajemen Inovasi dan Penciptaan Nilai Individu, Organisasi, Masyarakat , Avanti Fontana, Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, 2009, 2010, 2011. (KLK)

2. Innovation for Human Capital: Menakar Kapasitas Sumber Daya Manusia & Kapabilitas Organisasi Bisnis, Avanti Fontana. Dimuat dalam Majalah Forum Manajemen, Vol. XXIV,03, Mei-Juni 2010. Penerbit: Prasetya Mulya, Hal. 38-45. (KLK)

3. Paradigma & Ekosistem Inovasi: Pergeseran Adaptif pada Lingkungan Bisnis, Avanti Fontana. Dimuat dalam Majalah Forum Manajemen, Vol. XXIV/04/Juli-September 2010. Penerbit: Prasetya Mulya, Hal. 54-59. (KLK)

4. Inovasi dalam Bisnis Waralaba, Avanti Fontana. Dimuat dalam Majalah Info Franchise Indonesia, 8/V/Agustus 2010. Penerbit: PT Neo Meditama, Hal. 88. (KLK)

5. Organizational Excellence: Systematic Continous Improvement and Innovation, Vincent Gasperz & Avanti Fontana, Vinchristo 2011. (KLK)

6. Integrated Management Problem Solving: Panduan bagi Praktisi Bisnis dan Industri, Vincent Gasperz & Avanti Fontana, Vinchristo 2011. (KLK)

7. Lean Six Sigma: For Manufacturing and Service Industries, Vincent Gasperz & Avanti Fontana, Vinchristo 2011. (KLK)

8. Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence, Vincent Gasperz & Avanti Fontana, Vinchristo 2011. (KLK)

9. Inovasi untuk Optimalisasi Kontribusi, Avanti Fontana. Dimuat dalam Majalah BUMN Track, No. 64 Tahun VI. November 2012. Penerbit: PT Mediasuara Shakti, Hal. 72-73. (KLK)

10. Avanti Fontana. 2010. Paradigma Inovasi dan Disiplin Proses Inovasi. Dalam Buku Ekonomi Inovasi yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Pengembangan Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan (LPIK) ITB. Bab 7: Halaman 67-89.

11. Ekonomi Kreatif dan Inovasi Indonesia (Avanti Fontana) – 1 dari 15 tulisan. Dimuat dalam Buku Rumah Ekonomi Rumah Budaya: Membaca Kebijakan Perdagangan Indonesia, November 2012, Hal. 364-401. (KLK)

12. A Conceptual Model on the Relationships between Business Strategy, Business Model Innovation, Resource Configuration and Performance (Avanti Fontana & Siti Yasmina Zubaedah), Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi, Volume 11 No. 2, 2012. Penerbit: Institut Teknologi Bandung. (KLK)

13. Avanti Fontana. 15 June 2012. The Practice & Art of Innovation: How to Innovate. Workshop Session in International Conference on Small and Medium Enterprise Development: Innovation and Sustainability in SME Development, Bali, 14-16 June 2012.

14. Business Strategy, Business Model Innovation Types and Firm Resource Configuration (Yasmina Zubaedah & Avanti Fontana). Makalah dipresentasikan pada International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management, Universitas Tarumanegara, 18-19 Oktober 2012. (KLK)

15. The Effect of CLC Path-Configuration on the Effectiveness of Business Model Innovation (Yasmina Zubaedah dan Avanti Fontana). Makalah dipresentasikan pada Cross-Border Innovation and Entrepreneurship Symposium, SMU Institute of Innovation & Entrepreneurship (IIE) & ESSEC Business School, Singapore, 3-5 Desember 2012. (KLK)

16. Keterkaitan antara Strategi Bisnis dan Efektivitas Inovasi Model Bisnis melalui Konfigurasi Sumber Daya Organisasi: Studi Kasus PT Safir (Yasmina Zubaedah & Avanti Fontana). Makalah dipresentasikan pada The 7th Doctoral Journey in Management, 16 Mei 2012, FEUI. (KLK)

17. Revisiting The Miles and Snow Typology: Strategic Path Mediating Business Strategy and Resource Configuration for Innovation (Yasmina Zubaedah, Avanti Fontana, Adi Zakaria Afiff), The South East Asian Journal of Management (SEAM), April 2013, Vol 7, No. 1. Hal. 16-40. (KLK)

18. Fontana, Avanti. 2013. “Innovation & Leadership.” Materi disampaikan pada Corporate Management Training Pembekalan Karir Kedua MENJADI WIRAUSAHA DAN PROFESIONAL, kerja sama MABES TNI AD, Kementerian Negara BUMN RI, dan Rumah Perubahan. Garuda Training Center, 08.00-10.00 WIB, 12 Juli 2013.

19. Fontana, Avanti. 2013. Optimalisasi Peran Sistem Inovasi Nasional guna Meningkatkan Daya Saing Bangsa dalam rangka Ketahanan Nasional. Kertas Karya Perorangan Peserta Program Pendidikan Reguler Angkatan ke-50. Lemhannas RI.

20. Musa, Soebowo and Avanti Fontana. 2014. “Measuring Entrepreneurial Leadership in Innovation Management – An Exploratory Analysis.” Paper presented at the ISPIM Asia-Pacific Innovation Forum 2014, Singapore 7-10 December 2014. This paper is the preliminary version of the paper led to the empirical study on the measurement of Entrepreneurial Leadership in Innovation Management that will facilitate the innovation process within the organizations. Readers who are interested in the subject, please contact the author(s).

21. Fontana, Avanti. 25 Maret 2015. “Inovasi dan Penumbuhan Wirausaha dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat.” Presentasi pada Lokakarya Klinik IPTEK Mina Bisnis Tahun 2015 Balai Besar Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan Baitbang Kelautan dan Perikanan, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan.

22. Fontana, Avanti. 26 Maret 2015. “Cerita Inovasi Tanah Air (CINTA) Indonesia.” Fasilitator pada Sesi Pendampingan Peserta Acara CINTA Indonesia yang diselenggarakan oleh Yayasan Planet Inovasi di Cirebon.

23. Fontana, Avanti. 3 Mei 2015. “Cerita Inovasi Tanah Air (CINTA) Indonesia.” Fasilitator pada Sesi Pendampingan Peserta Acara CINTA Indonesia yang diselenggarakan oleh Yayasan Planet Inovasi di Bogor.

24. Fontana, Avanti. 5 Mei 2015. “Inovasi Manajemen: Instrumen Kualitas SDM dan Proses Intelijen dalam Mendukung Perumusan Kebijakan.” Presentasi pada Seminar Intelijen Sekolah Manajemen dan Analisis Intelijen Angkatan Pertama, Satinduk Bais TNI, Bogor. Presentasi tersebut melihat Manajemen dan Analisis Intelijen dengan Paradigma Sistematika Inovasi IPO2.

25. Fontana, Avanti. 2014, 2015. “Sistematika Inovasi.” Materi Fasilitator pada Workshop Inovasi Kebangsaan I yang telah diselenggarakan dalam Lima Angkatan, Yayasan Planet Inovasi.

26. Campbell, Jim and Avanti Fontana. 9 June 2015 at 11.00-11.25 WIB. “Migration by the Numbers: Trends and Forecasts.” Presentation in the Workshop of Securing Transnational Migration in the Asia-Pacific Region, Jakarta – Indonesia, June 9-11, 2015. Workshop organized by Daniel K Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (APCSS) and Lembaga Ketahanan Nasional Republik Indonesia (Lemhannas RI).

27. Revisiting the Miles and Snow Typology: Innovation for Adaptability and Growth by Yasmina Zubaedah, Avanti Fontana, Adi Zakaria Afiff, Paper presented on 4th August 2015 at the International Conference of Organizational Innovation (4-6 August 2015).

28. Strategic Human Resource Management, Innovation Capability and Performance: An Empirical study in Indonesian software Industry by Riza Aryanto, Avanti Fontana, Adi Zakaria Afiff of Universitas Indonesia. Paper will be presented at 2nd Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences, Denpasar Bali, 17-18 September 2015.

29. “The Determinant Factor of Technology Adoption for Improving Firm’s Performance[:] an Empirical Research of Indonesia Electricity Company” by Zainal Arifin (PLN Indonesia, Indonesia); Firmanzah Firmanzah and Avanti Fontana (Universitas Indonesia). Paper will be presented at IEEE The International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies (ISTMET 2015), 25-27 Agustus 2015, Langkawi-Malaysia.

30. “The Determinant Factor of Technology Adoption for Improving Firm’s Performance[:] Toward a Conceptual Model” by Zainal Arifin & Avanti Fontana. Paper will be presented in the 17th International Conference on Strategic Management (ICSM 2015), 8-9 October 2015, Osaka-Japan.

31. Avanti Fontana. 6 Oktober 2015. Catatan Diskusi Panel Inovasi Nasional “Membangun Ekosistem Inovasi Indonesia: Perlu Kepemimpinan Inovatif untuk Bangun Ekosistem Inovasi Indonesia.” Yayasan Planet Inovasi dan The Ary Suta Center. Kontak Analisis Data: avanti[at]ciptainovasi.com

32. Aryanto, R., Fontana, A., Afiff, A.Z. 2015. Strategic Human Resource Management, Innovation Capability and Performance: An Empirical Study in Indonesia Software Industry. Paper presented in the 2nd Global Conference on Business and Social Science-2015, GCBSS-2015, 17-18 September. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 211 (2015) 874-879.

33a. Zubaedah, Yasmina (Author) & Fontana, Avanti (Editor). 2016. Building Agility: Firm Configuration for Innovation & Growth. UI Press.

33b. Fontana, Avanti. 2016. “Introduction: Towards a Neocontingency Perspective in Managing Organizations.” In Zubaedah, Yasmina. Building Agility: Firm Configuration for Innovation & Growth. UI Press.

34. Fontana, Avanti & Arifin, Zainal. (Eds.) 2016. 19 Tahun Inovasi Ketenagalistrikan di Indonesia: PLN Berinovasi untuk Indonesia. Puslitbang Ketenagalistrikan PT PLN (Persero).


35. Arifin, Z., Firmanzah, Fontana, A. 2015. The determinant factors of technology adoption for improving firm’s performance.

36. Arifin, Z., Firmanzah, Fontana, A., Wijanto, S.W. 2016. The Determinant Factors of Technology Adoption for Improving Firm’s Performance: An Empirical Research of Indonesia’s Electricity Company.

37. Arifin, Z., Firmanzah, Fontana, A., Wijanto, S.W. 2016. The Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership and Absorptive Capability to Technology Adoption for Improving Business Unit’s Performance; An Empirical Research of Indonesia Electricity Company.

38. Fontana, Avanti. 2016. Editor for Zubaedah, Yasmina. 2016. Building Agility: Firm Configuration for Innovation and Growth. UI Press. Introduction by Avanti Fontana, “Towards a Neocontingency Perspective in Managing Organizations.”

39. Musa, Soebowo & Fontana, Avanti. 2016. Entrepreneurial Leadership Measurement Validation in Innovation Management. Paper presented at The ISPIM Innovation Forum, Boston, USA on 13-16 March 2016. The publication is available to ISPIM members at www.ispim.org.

40. Fontana, Avanti. 2017. Manajemen Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan Komunitas. Majalah Bimas Katolik 27, 1, Edisi Januari-April 2017.

41. Fontana, Avanti & Musa, Soebowo. 2017. The Impact of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Innovation Management and Its Measurement Validation. International Journal of Innovation Science, 9(1), 2-19.

42. Customer Orientation, Internal Resources, and Innovation Process. Reported Research by Sania Humaira & Avanti Fontana, June 2017.

43. City Innovation: The Impact of Destination Personality, Image, and Destination Quality on Intention to Recommend and to Revisit (Study of Bandung City, Indonesia), Reported Research by Candrika Sagitasari & Avanti Fontana, June 2017.

44. Fontana, Avanti & Musa, Soebowo. 2017. Management of Innovation: A Systematic Approach. Paper presented at Forum IPTEKIN VII LIPI, Jakarta, 23 October 2017. Paper published in the Proceeding of IPTEKIN VII Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia.

45. Fontana, Avanti & Musa, Soebowo. 2017. Management of Innovation Performance: A Systemic Approach. PROSIDING FORUM TAHUNAN PENGEMBANGAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN, TEKNOLOGI, DAN INOVASI NASIONAL KE VII TAHUN 2017, pp. 115-135.

46. Fontana, Avanti. 2017. Preliminary Research Paper on STI Systems in Indonesia. Paper presented at Asian Productivity Organization Coordination Meeting for the Research on STI Policies in the Member Countries. Vientiane, Lao PDR, 21 November 2017.

47. Fontana, Avanti & Musa, Soebowo. 2017. A Systematic Approach to Measure Innovation Performance: Input-Process-Output-Outcome Perspective. Paper presented at ANZAM 2017, December.

48. Fontana, Avanti. 2017. Survei Suara Inovator Indonesia (SSII). Dalam 109 Indonesia Innovations. pp.xxvi-xxix.

49. Fontana, Avanti. 2018. Innovation Performance Measures. CIS Working Paper, 25 September 2018. Akses avantifontana.com/research (Nomor 53). Inquiry/Feedback: avanti.fontana[at]ui(dot)ac(dot)id

50. Widjojo, H., Fontana, A., Gayatri, G., & Soehadi, A.W. 2020. The Value Co-Creation for Marketing Innovation: Comparative Study in the SME Community. International Journal of Innovation Management, 25(2), 22 pages.

51. Fontana, Avanti, Team Leader. 2019. Macro Talent Management Framework and Policy Study. Unpublished Document written by the KSP Taskforce of National Talent Management, April-July 2019.

52. Widjojo, H., Fontana, A., Gayatri, G. and Soehadi, A. (2019). Value co-creation for innovation: evidence from Indonesian Organic Community, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/APJML-02-2019-0105

53. Widjojo, H., Fontana, A., Gayatri, G., & Soehadi, A. W. (2019). Value Co-Creation for Marketing Innovation: Comparative Study in the SME Community. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2050030. (File PDF)

54. Utoyo, I., Fontana, A., Aryana, A. (2019). The Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership and Configuring Core Innovation Capabilities to Enhance Innovation Performance in a Disruptive Environment. International Journal of Innovation Management. https://doi.org/10.1142/S1363919620500607

55. Widjojo, H., Fontana, A., Gayatri, G., & Soehadi, A. W. (2019). Value Co-creation for Innovation Process in Small Business Community. Purushartha 12 (1) March-August 2019. http://cshe.smsvaranasi.com/purusharth_journal_abstract_vol_XII_1.htm (File PDF)

56. Widjojo, H., Fontana, A., Gayatri, G., & Soehadi, A. W. (2020). VALUE CO-CREATION PLATFORM IN INDONESIAN SME COMMUNITY: SDL PERSPECTIVE. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 25(02), 2050009. https://doi.org/10.1142/S1084946720500090 (File PDF)

Teaching-Learning Guidelines

Avanti Fontana. Depok, 4 September 2015. Buku Pedoman Kerja Mahasiswa (BPKM) untuk Seminar Pengetahuan, Inovasi, dan Perubahan. Mohon menyebutkan sumbernya saat Anda mengutipnya. BPKM disusun berbasiskan Buku Rancangan Pengajaran Seminar Pengetahuan, Inovasi, dan Perubahan Tahun Akademik 2015/2016.

Avanti Fontana. 29 Agustus 2016. Buku Rancangan Pengajaran Seminar Pengetahuan, Inovasi, dan Perubahan. Modul Berbasis Web.

Buku Rancangan Pengajaran Seminar Kewirausahaan.

Buku Rancangan Pengajaran Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan.

Buku Rancangan Pengajaran Strategi dan Manajemen.

Buku Rancangan Pengajaran Pengantar Bisnis.

Business and Social Services

Workshop Sessions

Avanti Fontana on Innovation Assessment. Workshop and Coaching Modules. CIS School of Innovation and Center for Innovation Studies, Jakarta-Indonesia. 2010-current.

Avanti Fontana on Workshop Inovasi Kebangsaan Angkatan I-XVI. Workshop and Coaching Modules. Yayasan Planet Inovasi. 2014-current.

CIS Workshop The Practice & Art of Innovation for Business Organizations, Since 2010, CIS School of Innovation

Modul The Practice & Art of Innovation. CIS School of Innovation. Tahun 2010-2016.

Modul Integrated Problem Solving Management & Innovation. CIS School of Innovation. Tahun 2013-2016.

Modul Workshop Inovasi Kebangsaan Angkatan I-XVI. Planet Inovasi Foundation & CIS School of Innovation. 2014-2019.

Modul Sistematika Inovasi dalam Workshop Cerita Inovasi Tanah Air Indonesia Angkatan I-IV. CIS School of Innovation & Planet Inovasi. 2015.

Request on Demand:
* Workshop on Practice & Art of Innovation
* Workshop on Innovation Performance
* Workshop on How to Diagnose Your Innovation Fitness
* Workshop on Innovation Policy

Avanti Fontana
+62-813-1018-2099 (Tel./SMS/WA)

Upd. 08 July 2020