IM-ED™ Coaching for Innovation
IM-ED™ Coaching provides workshop sessions on management of innovation and coaching for innovation. This site is created to share information, ideas and perspectives on innovation, coaching for innovation and management education and development. Avanti Fontana and her team write this Blog with its platform IM-ED™ Coaching Innovation.
IM-ED™ Coaching Innovation designs workshop sessions on innovation management (e.g., The Practice of Innovation, Innovation for Leadership, Coaching for Innovation) for different organizations and various stakeholders of innovation in Indonesia (South-East Asia; Asia-Pacific Region). As lead facilitator at IM-ED™ Coaching for Innovation, Avanti Fontana leads her team in program design and collaborates with her team and clients in providing good workshops based on the clients’ agenda(s) for innovation.
Passion and Compassion
Avanti Fontana is interested in teaching-learning facilitating and coaching on Management & Innovation and on its Education & Development. This interest originates from some milestones in her life; her learning experience from primary school till her pursuing doctoral study and research on integration issues among units within an organization during the process of innovation; her teaching-learning activities; and her continuous learning. When pursuing her doctoral study in France, she had great opportunities to meet and talk with engineers, managers and/or directors of multinational and transnational companies. Her interest on issues and insights in research, development and innovation management and her meetings with practitioners and scholars in strategy, management and innovation have facilitated the completion of her doctoral research in 2003.
She has worked on contextual and organization factors that facilitate the R&D and Manufacturing integration in new product development process (NPD) and that can lead to NPD performance. In the process, from designing the study proposal to wrapping up her study findings and conclusion, she has initiated alliances with people from organizations (engineers, managers, senior managers) and from her teachers and mentors. She thank them all and she addresses her gratitude of being able to connect with survey participants from several large companies in the world.
Furthermore, she relates her passion on topics and issues in strategic management and innovation with the process of value creation. She combines the process of value creation, the nature of innovation itself, creating substantial new value for “stakeholders,” with coaching.
Coaching is about self-responsibility. It is about partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. It facilitates the process of value creation. Avanti Fontana wants to focus her coaching practice for innovators and organizational systems that facililitates innovation and for graduate students in management and organization. Her coaching interest and skill matches well with her interests in facilitating teaching-learning activities. She keeps sharpening and developing both her coaching and facilitation skills.
Since 2003, she is a faculty member at Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia.
She is DDI certified facilitator and certified professional business coach.
She graduated from Lemhannas RI (National Resilience Institute) PPRA L in 2013 in which she proposed the optimization model of National Innovation Systems using the national resilience approach.
She co-founded Center for Innovation Studies (Pusat Studi Inovasi) in 2004, CIS School of Innovation in 2010, and Planet Inovasi in 2014.
Avanti Fontana has written for this weblog since November 2007.
Info: imed[at] or avanti[at]